flexibility individual Tradition
flexibility individual Tradition
The biggest advantage of the online environment is the flexibility of time and space – no commuting, no rigid schedule to follow. If you are a few minutes late or you need to change the time slot, then we can just open our laptops earlier / later that day to accommodate our schedules.
I recommend online lessons and private lessons in general, especially to people who do not feel comfortable in the studio and among others, for example, due to potential evaluation by others or simply do not want to commute during seasonal illnesses or bad weather.
Lower cost – the price of my lessons online is ⅔ that in the studio as the cost of renting a space as well as transfer fee are eliminated.
At home – you practice in an environment in which you feel at home – literally:) You can create the atmosphere you want, practice where you want and with what you want (your yoga mat, tools, etc.)
Virtual traveling with me – When I am traveling, you can virtually enjoy the atmosphere of the place with me, including all the sounds (such as the sound of the sea) or an unexpected visit from various animal friends.
The advantage of practicing in a yoga studio is definitely more space and better studio equipment. At home, we cannot always create a 100 percent yoga atmosphere, including the use of yoga bolsters, blocks, straps, etc.
The indisputable advantage of private practice with a teacher in a physical space is the possibility of adjustments. I am able to help you more in the position, and perceive your breath and overall energy better when “we are live”.
I highly recommend “offline” lessons for more advanced students, especially Ashtanga practitioners. The positions for example from the intermediate series are very physically and mentally demanding and physical supervision of a teacher is often necessary. If you want to learn more advanced asanas, I strongly recommend private lessons at least in the beginning, before we jump into the online space.